The three C’s

I would ask you to imagine that you are taking a long journey, this will involve many hours of travelling, some stops on the way to rest, eat and refuel, but where do you start? Firstly you would put the destination into the satnav, deciding if you want to avoid motorways or any other specific information that would be important.

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Goals a case study

I first met Helen when she contacted me to enquire about using a life coach to achieve her goal of performing on stage in a play. Helen had been considering this for many years as she had enjoyed amateur dramatics at university, however life had got in the way and she had felt she needed to put others needs first

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Setting Goals?

You are probably aware of the term goals but may think this is just something that people do in terms of their job or career. This is not the case, it is quite common for people to set goals, dreams or aspirations for their lives and future. This might be to travel more, to read, lose weight or eat healthier,

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Different Types Of Goals

When I was first introduced to setting goals for myself I only thought about it in terms of my job, the job description I had and what my boss was expecting of me. Recently through the training I have received and my own development I have discovered that there is more to goals then I first thought. There are 3

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Throughout my career I have often been set goals that need to be achieved in my role, I didn’t always see this as a benefit to me only to my employer. How wrong was I? When I started coaching, I realised that if I didn’t define what I wanted to achieve, then how could I know where to start and

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